finally i make up my mind..heheh..i told puan yus, can u make it dress like this for me..yeah!!..she said..boleh jaa..hehehe..giles flower2 dalam hati ni..hehhe..hope it will be like this..i just change the patch lace colour to's look so nice(just in my mind..hiih)
see..nice rite?hehe..actually, this dress design from butiq zaifie zainal..butik dia mmg byk baju yg cntk2 n harga berpatutan,,but, it;s too late for me to make them as my choice..sbb i da booking kat kedah dulu..rugi la kalau amik sis said, kwen 1 ari je alang..jgn membazir..hehe..
nie antara baju kat zafie zainal creation..comel kan..tgh promotion..sampai bln 3 can got as cheap as RM550 sepasang..L/P..dress ni sgt simple, tp sgt comel..heheh..ade byk lagi dress comel2 dekat butik dia..byk murah2..hehhe..ok la..nak tdo..papai sume bride to be..kita semua sama ada aim yg sama kan..wan to be good and perfect in our wedding, choose the best..heheh..nite..